Tudang Sipulung.

In Bugis language, Tudang means sitting, Sipulung means gathering. This annual gathering tradition is commonly practiced by Bugis farmers in Sulawesi to agree on farming times and discuss life issues.


Martha Hebi, Writer and Journalist from Sumba became a facilitator for Tudang Sipulung Perempuan Adat: The World’s Most Unheard Voices, a panel at the Makassar International Writers Festival, 24/05/2024.

The spirit of deliberation motivated the panel titled, “Tudang Sipulung: Indigenous Women: The World’s Most Unheard Voice,” at the 2024 Makassar International Writers Festival (MIWF). In the panel, journalists, photographers, filmmakers, activists, and indigenous women sat together, in a circle, as equals. They discussed the important issue of the day, how indigenous stories are represented fairly and inclusively, and become public discourse.

Read more at https://projectmultatuli.org/mendengarkan-suara-paling-tak-didengar-di-dunia/

This story was commissioned by Pulitzer Center and Project Multatuli.