


For me, riding a pete-pete is one way to get to know Makassar. While waiting to arrive, I could memorize the names of the streets, hear...

The Yard Remains...

With the remaining land around city, people grow various herbs that are used as a way of healing. Recipes for preparing these plants are ...

Wijaya Kusuma

In 1999, Iyus Prihartini was only about two months pregnant when her military husband went to work in East Timor (now Timor Leste). Iyus ...

Basri & Salma in a Never Ending Comedy

Directed by Khozy Rizal
Produced by John Badalu
Basri and Salma, a childless couple who have been married for 5 years, own an Odon...


Directed by Makbul Mubarak
Produced by Yulia Evina Bhara
A young man working as a housekeeper in an empty mansion. When its owner ...

Chairil Anwar “Kesabaran”

Chairil Anwar - Kesabaran
Aku tak bisa tidur
Orang ngomong, anjing nggonggong
Dunia jauh mengabur
Kelam mendinding batu
Dihantam sua...


This band from Makassar tries to talk about the city and its chaos. These photos are a visual part of their songs.
"Akankah kau ...

Tudang Sipulung Perempuan Adat: The World's Most Unheard Voices

Tudang Sipulung.

In Bugis language, Tudang means sitting, Sipulung means gathering. This annual gathering tradition is commonly prac...

The Steamed Hope


This photo story was commissioned by Kurawal Foundation and Balik Layar.